Wednesday’s Challenge Booster: Food on the Table!
Are you SO tired??? Fatigue, overwhelm, just a general energy drain is a syndrome in our world. The average person transmits the equivalent of SIX newspapers each day and receives 174 newspapers of data. You are capturing your to-do’s and…
What do Michael Phelps, Brad Pitt and YOU have in common?
I remember the first time I saw Michael Phelps, winner of 16, count ’em 16 Olympic medals swimming for the U.S., I thought, “what is up that goofy, awkward kid?” I had this strange desire to grab his person and…
Liz’s Quick Guide to Gettin’ Happy
The number question I am asked about creating and sustaining a challenge: How do I stay inspired? I’m discouraged, I’m sick of this, I’m not sure I can keep going. What’s your secret? The secret to continuing any challenge is…