180 Life

What do top models, rockstars and olympians have in common?


I think dreaming and visioning is in my blood. My grandfather was gripped with the need to evangelize his Christian beliefs in an area that was predominantly Hindu. My pops envisioned his life in America when he was 14. I sort of feel I would be living below my amazing heritage if I didn’t vision.

It used to be I lived in that world. Anyone and anything could spark my dreams. I would be an Olympian. I would be a rockstar. I would be a professor. A model. A equestrian. Whenever I saw excellence in action, I was inspired.


In some ways I was like a little kindergartner telling his mom he was trying to decide between being an astronaut or a librarian. And to be honest, I stayed that way for a long time. It never went further than that joyous feeling there was something more. I loved being in that headspace, but as soon as I tried to pull my hopes into my life, the circumstances and results of bad decisions choked the life out of them before I could get through 10 days of change.

I started to feel something else after a while. It was this “would have, should have, could have” energy. I started to see what I could have done if only I started. I could have had more money. My health could be better. I could have chosen a different life partner. I could have lived in a cooler place. I should have chosen a different career path.

One afternoon, as I let out my feelings to my mom, she stopped me. I was complaining about how much older I was than my college classmates. “I should have graduated by now, mom.” She responded with a mixture of sadness and amusement,  in a way only a mother could.

“When you complete the degree, you get the credits. It’s the same for everyone.”

I dismissed her oversimplification. She was always the practical parent, anyway. But she was right. At that moment, I had to support my vision with action. No one would simply grant it to me out of the goodness of their heart or mine. There was a very down-to-earth, kind-of-boring aspect to vision I had been overlooking.

So as you begin this journey to your greatness, I don’t want you to overlook this very important part of vision. You have a dream and I am here to honor it. I truly believe you and I believe in you. We are together just for this purpose.

But when the euphoria burns off and you are in the thick of it, remember:

Your vision will come to fruition through a combination of hope and sweat, commitment and joy, accountability and focus.

Pull out your vision worksheet, and map out your 100 day journey in 20-day increments. When you are done, your life will look very different. I’ll see you on the other side!


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