The Climb of My Life | Active Leadership: Lessons I learned summiting Mt. Kilimanjaro

The Climb of my Life | Active Leadership: lessons I learned summiting Mt. Kilimanjaro

Note: This can be an “inspirational” talk or a more corporate “leadership” presentation. The descriptions are below.

The Climb of My Life

Liz Nead fulfilled a lifelong dream when she summited Mt. Kilimanjaro on July 4, 2014, climbing over 19,000 feet to the top of the largest free-standing mountain in Africa. She traveled to Tanzania ready to conquer the adventure but the thin air, jet lag and temperatures were challenging, forcing her to think and work differently during the 7-day journey. She completed the climb successfully, transformed by her own struggle and her experience with the Mt. Kili climb culture. Liz shares those lessons, sometimes humorous and often touching about personal growth, the power of imbalance and the transformation of living in the moment.


  • The power of self-care.
  • Moment of clarity on the mountain- a reminder for mindfulness
  • How to create transformational stretch goals
  • How to the buy the ticket for change

Active Leadership

Liz took on the challenge to travel to Tanzania and climb to the roof of Africa in search of adventure and transformation. She returned with a changed vision of leadership. With entertaining, exciting stories and visual videos and images, Liz tells the tale of her once-in-a-lifetime climb to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro and her introduction to Active Leadership.

Thirteen inexperienced people from all over the world gathered at the base of Mt. Kilimanjaro. It would take 7 days and 40 climb staff to summit and descend the mountain through eight hour hikes and 20 degree nights.

Through the process, Liz witnessed a different kind of leadership than what she was accustomed to in the traditional corporate setting. As the group struggled to work together and successful complete their mission, the climb guides quietly worked together with connection, clarity and focus.

The climb strategy, dubbed by Liz “Active Leadership” is focused on a stretch-goal, characterized by kind planning, measured paces and inspirational encouragement. Each team member had both a specific assignment and responsibility for the group goal. No role or detail is too insignificant.

By the end of the successful climb, the group was inspired, transformed and grateful, a hallmark of Active Leadership. This process, a combination of project management, servant leadership and visionary planning, is easily applied to sales teams, corporate groups, and project teams.


  • How to determine and maintain the pace of excellence.
  • Setting and selling stretch goals to a group of people with varying backgrounds and abilities.
  • Creating a culture of joyous service.
  • Effectively bringing new people into a team.